Busy Mom’s Guide To Fitness

A busy mom’s guide to fitness

  • If you are a mom then you know how busy we all are. You also are most likely taking care of everyone else in your family before taking care of yourself. Even if you aren’t a mom and you work full time, it’s still so hard to find time to fit any type of workout into your schedule. You may have a long commute or a demanding job that you come home completely exhausted from. We’ve all been there and most likely are still in one of these positions.
  • I’m a mom to two tween girls and I work full time. I’m the first to admit that I know exactly where you are coming from and how you feel. Pre-pandemic I worked full time and the second I walked through the door after work it was time to bring each girl to their daily activities. I’m pretty sure that driving your kids back and forth from activities is a full-time job itself. I felt as though all I did every night for hours was drive around. While in the back of my mind all I could think about was losing weight. I was uncomfortable with myself, hated everything I put on every morning and was just plain sad.


First thing’s first. YOU are the priority.

  • Before you can commit you anything fitness or health-wise you need to commit to making yourself the priority. If you can’t do that you will never accomplish any of your goals.
  • Now, I’m not saying ignore your kids, work, and everything else going on in your life. All you need to do is not allow yourself to think of your health as a secondary priority. When Mommy’s are happy and healthy, everyone else has a better shot of following suit! This could create such a good impact on your life.

So..How do you start your fitness journey? 

  • Work out before the day gets away from you. If I waited until after work, I’d never get my workout in. There are just too many activities and commitments that come up. No one will schedule a meeting at 4:30 a.m. That’s my time to rise and sweat. Another reason to sweat early, you’re finished before the kids wake up! I know that most people can’t pull themself out of bed that early. For some, you may not need to. If you can actually find the time and commit in the evening after work or after the kids go to bed, then by all means do it!
  • It’s going to take practice committing to it. No, Im not joking. You need to tell yourself that you will get up early and you will work out. Lay your clothes out the night before, set the coffee pot, put your shoes on the side of your bed. Whatever you need to do, do it. After waking up early for about a week and getting that work out in, I can’t tell you how much better I felt every day. I had so much more energy all day. The days I skipped a work out I could tell. Usually, by around 2 pm I’d start to crash. I always felt fresh and less stressed the days I got up and just got it done and out of the way. It truly sets the tone for the entire day.


Tips to make it easier to get started.  

  • Make it an appointment. I’m sure you won’t pull a no show at a doctor’s appointment, school event, work meeting, anything. When you have an appointment you show up. Put it in your phone or in your planner. Write it down. Set that appointment with yourself every day so you will show up!
  • Have a plan. You need to have a plan for your workout. Will it be 30 minutes? Are you going to the gym? Do you need to factor more time for the drive? I don’t have time to drive to a gym complete a workout drive home and then get ready for work. At least in my mind, I don’t. I plan a 30-minute walk or run. Sometimes I even spice things up with a workout video. You do not need a ton of equipment to get a good workout. Just set the plan the night before of what you want to accomplish.
  • Include your kids. Once I got started with working out I started to include my kids. We started to take walks in the evenings or bike rides. We even set a goal of a long-distance bike ride that we wanted to complete together! This makes it more fun and you aren’t missing out on precious family time. We ride our bikes to get ice cream or just go for a long ride just because. We started taking our new puppy for walks in the evening to give him a good workout. Most of the time if you include your kids you don’t feel like you are forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do. So get peddling!
  • Take it to the streets. What I mean by this is- instead of sitting in your car while the kids are participating in their respective activities, walk or run! Both of my kids have their activities where I can walk or run. I used to sit in my car and scroll social media. Lame! Now I keep myself busy and moving. I love it. I don’t feel like I’m just driving around for hours every night. I just try to keep my self moving and the time passes quickly.
  • Do NOT compare yourself to others! Seriously, you cannot compare yourself to someone else. We all are on our own journeys and we are all different. A woman that I work with doesn’t have kids and she runs marathons! She has plenty of time to train and she loves it. I’m not jealous and I don’t compare myself to her. Granted she is the reason I started even trying to run but don’t ask me to run a marathon because I don’t have that kind of free time in my life. I actually don’t think I’d survive haha. Maybe someday though. Just put your blinders on and do what you are comfortable doing. Do what makes you feel good and happy.

22 Qoutes to get you motivated 

  • Be stronger than your excuses
  • Today I will love myself enough to exercise.
  • Sweat now, shine later.
  • Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.
  • If you ever feel like giving up, just remember, there is a little girl watching you..who wants to be just like you!
  • My body isn’t magazine perfect, but when I look in the mirror, I see a mom…and there is no greater honor, love or blessing
  • You’re a fighter. Look at everything you’ve overcome. Don’t give up now.
  • Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.
  • Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids.
  • With self-discipline, anything is possible.
  • Self-confidence is the best outfit. Rock it.
  • Strive to be the best that you can be.
  • You may not be there yet, but you’re closer than yesterday.
  • Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.
  • Make progress your passion!
  • Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow.
  • Fit moms don’t have time. They make time.
  • You’re only one workout away from a good mood!
  • You will never always be motivated so you must learn to be disciplined.
  • Exercise is a blessing, not a chore. I am grateful that I physically can.
  • In two weeks you’ll feel it, in four weeks you’ll see it, in eight weeks you’ll hear it.
  • The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

Before you go…

  • Girl, I know losing weight is hard! Its not easy. I’ve been there and this is still something I commit to daily. If I can do it so can you!
  • If you need to print these quotes and look at them every day, do it! Don’t be afraid to do something for yourself that makes you happy and feel good. Drop a comment with one goal or something you need help with. I’m happy to help in any way I can. I’m no expert but I am a darn good cheerleader!