Hello World!

Hello World! I am beyond excited to start a blog. I have never done anything like this before. Let me share a little about myself and why I am starting this….

I am a wife and a mommy and we live a very crazy life. Brian, my husband travels a lot for work. Most of the time it is just Nora, MeMe, and I. Both girls are in activities which leads to a crazy life. We are always on the go.

I have also been a LuLaRoe Retailer for over a year and that has become our life. I have hustled daily for the past year and I was starting to feel burnt out. Which is what leads me here. I needed to do something that allows me to express myself and also share our love for a crazy hectic lifestyle.

We are huge foodies!! This has become a slight issue in our household. We tend to eat out most days. Not because we want to- it has just been “easier” with the everyday chaos. As much as we enjoy all the different places to eat, this is one of the things that needs to change in our household. We need to become a healthier family.

We also need to work on paying down some debt that we have accumulated. Who loves debt? Not this girl! It blows my mind how we have been living. Last year I said to Brian that I wanted to be debt free within 10 years. Just recently I was looking at our current situation and I about died inside. After seeing everything I realized it was going to take a lot of work to pay things down. Am I ready? Sure I am! Game on! I love a good challenge. You know, as long as we are BOTH on board.

So…going forward we WILL be committing to a whole new life. Little does my family know…my plans are to start eating at home, trying to save money, and a whole bunch of things.

This is where the blog will come into play…I plan on sharing about our adventures on paying down debt, our new healthy lifestyle, of course beauty products, and ya know since I loveeee fashion that too! So, to sum it up-I’ll be sharing my life with you all. Im truly so excited to get started on this journey and I hope you enjoy all of the craziness to come!

4 thoughts on “Hello World!”

  1. I love the Felton family! <3 I am blessed to have known you as long as I have. You are one of the best moms! You have always put your girls first in your life! I cannot wait to be able to ask you for advice when I decide to have children!

    1. kfelton08@yahoo.com

      I can’t wait until you have children Im sure I’ll be coming to you for advice because you are just amazing at everything!!

  2. Tina, I am beyond proud of the woman you have grown up to be. You are such a great mom and home-maker. You really do not give yourself enough credit. I admire your honesty in your posts- sometimes we fall into slumps. I am so glad you have identified some areas where you could improve. Eating out really does put a toll on your budget. You will feel so much better by meal planning and eating in! Scott and I like to pick 6 meals (day 7 is shopping day) we do not designate what day we will eat said meals- we just pick that day based off how busy we are or what mood we are in. We try to only eat out once or twice a month. Love you girl! <3

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