Simple Face Washing Routine

Wow, I can’t believe its been a little while since I have posted! With Thanksgiving and then leaving right after for our trip to Disney- life got a little hectic. It feels good to be getting back into routine!

I’m sure you heard me say that I’m not happy with my skin. I feel like I have wrinkles and just not nice skin. I have tried multiple face washes and moisturizers but I can’t seem to find something I truly love while leaving my skin looking healthy and glowing.

A few years ago I was browsing Pinterest and saw someone using coconut oil as a face wash. I wanted to try it but I was nervous since I have the weirdest skin. My face is oily and dry plus sensitive anddd I have the biggest pores you have ever seen! I’m so self conscious about my face.

When I apply make up (even after using a pore filler before coverup) I still feel as though all I can see are my super large pores. It drives me crazy. So, I decided I would give the coconut oil a shot. This wasn’t the only thing my face needed though. I needed an exfoliator before I applied the coconut oil.

You will never believe what I used! (I also just got back into doing this face routine since our vacation) I’ve been using Baking Soda! I love it, I have never been happier with the way my skin looks and feels than when using this combo. Sounds crazy right?

Some people have extremely sensitive skin and since most of the irritants of sensitive skin are acidic and baking soda is alkaline, a baking soda mask can neutralize some of the chemicals that cause skin irritation.


You can use this on your skin every day if you are using a small amount of baking soda, or once or twice a week if you use a higher ratio.

Baking Soda Mask

  • 1-2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
  • 1 Tablespoon Water

For a baking soda mask, combine baking soda and water to create a paste.

Apply to the skin, leave on for 10 minutes.

Thoroughly rinse to remove.

Apply a moisturizer.

*Your skin may look red and irritated after this mask but it will fade quickly.

Baking Soda Exfoliator

  • 1-2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
  • 1-2 Tablespoons of Water

After you have washed your face with your facial cleanser apply this baking soda exfoliator.

Gently rub your face with the exfoliator.

Let sit for 1 minute

Thoroughly rinse to remove.

Apply a moisturizer.


I like to use the coconut oil as a moisturizer (yes even with weird crazy skin) My face has never looked better then when I use the baking soda and coconut oil. Seriously, do not be scared to try this!

You can also add in essential oils to your mixture if you want. Try adding some lemon or lavender oils. These two oils have amazing benefits too!

The reason I love this baking soda exfoliator so much is because I can visibly see my pores shrinking. The baking soda removes any bacteria build up and also helps to tighten your skin ( the reason I can see my pores shrinking) which also means less wrinkles on the skin.

The glow that my skin has after using the baking soda and coconut oil is so amazing that there have been times that I have actually left the house without coverup on.

Now, go try this and tell me how much you love it! You can thank me later 😉

4 thoughts on “Simple Face Washing Routine”

  1. I’ve been using coconut oil for a while, but I’ve never used baking soda! I’m SO excited to try this! I make a sugar scrub with coconut oil too and it’s great, amd I did a coffee scrub which was amazing for my skin but AWFUL to clean up. Have you tried the Norwex clothes yet? Cleansing with just water… I just started but so far so good!

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